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Mad Science Little Green Thumbs at Faust Park – Mad Science

Mad Science Little Green Thumbs at Faust Park

Nature Academic Stem Scholarships available

Mad Science

Date/Time: May 27 - 30, 2025     9:00am - 12:00pm
Ages: 3-5
Cost: $188.00
Registration deadline: May 21, 2025

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Give your preschooler a green thumb without using paint! Campers will learn about plants by dissecting seeds, making leaf rubbings and creating frameable fruit and veggie prints. Learn what types of weather are vital for a healthy garden. Put on your Bee-utiful Bug Costume and flutter by the camp as you learn about one of a flower's favorite pollinators! Come see what the buzz is all about!

Butterflies, Bees, and Ladybugs

Children will examine the other inhabitants of the garden, including butterflies, ladybugs, and bees. They will learn how these creatures help a garden grow. They will investigate pollination, how bugs see, and basic bug anatomy.

Flowers, Fruits and Veggies

Children will investigate what plants produce. They examine the different parts of flowers, fruits, and vegetables using their microscopes, create their very own plants and flowers in their journals, and make frame-able prints of fruits and vegetables.

Plants and Leaves

Children will explore the different parts of plants and leaves. They will try some activities to learn more about their characteristics, from performing leaf rubbings to examining plants and leaves under a microscope and make their own Budding Bean.

 Sun, Wind and Rain

Children will discover what types of weather are vital for a healthy garden. They will learn to identify basic weather conditions; and perform an experiment to learn about how waterfall and wind shape a garden. Children make their very own sun visors.


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Faust Park
15185 Olive Blvd
Chesterfield, MO 63017


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