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Animal Academy: Ocean Life & Aquaculture – Gifted Resource Council

Animal Academy: Ocean Life & Aquaculture

Stem Offers before after care Gifted student Academic Nature Scholarships available

Gifted Resource Council

Date/Time: Jun 9 - 20, 2025     9:00am - 3:30pm
Ages: 9-15
Cost: Contact Program

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Let’s do a deep dive and look at our animal friends that live in water. We’ll spend a week looking at aquaculture—how do you raise fish, build an aquarium, and grow plants/corals in various water environments? What are the drawbacks? The benefits? How expensive is it? We’ll spend the other week in the ocean – from plankton to blue whales, what animals live there? How have they adapted to survive, especially those in the deep ocean zone, with the lack of light and resources? What state are our oceans in, and what can we do to help? We will also take a look at terrestrial animals that rely on various water sources for their survival. We’ll get out into the environment as well with nature walks and hopefully a field trip or two to Missouri State Parks. No camp on June 19.


Wydown Middle School
6500 Wydown Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63105


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