RESPONSE TO COVID-19: We recommend consulting with individual programs to find up-to-the-minute information regarding program logistics.
Camp: Day Camp Week 6 – Parks & Rec - Richmond Heights

Camp: Day Camp Week 6

Special needs student Arts Music Stem Offers before after care Nature Sports Academic

Parks & Rec - Richmond Heights

Date/Time: Jul 15 - 19, 2024     9:00am - 3:00pm
Ages: 5-12
Cost: $200.00

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Come experience the BEST SUMMER EVER at the PARC day camp! Weekly camp themes will include "Welcome to Camp", "Under the Sea", "Holiday Road", "Party in the USA", "The Olympics" and more! Campers can expect to learn new games and songs, swim at MFAC and make crafts and memories that will last a lifetime. $175 per week for Residents $200 per week for Non-Residents


The Heights
8001 Dale Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63117


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