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Duke Pre-College Commuter Program Session 2 – Duke University

Duke Pre-College Commuter Program Session 2

Academic College Prep Stem College access

Duke University

Date/Time: Jul 1 - 5, 2024     9:00am - 4:00pm
Ages: 11-17
Cost: $1,525.00

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The Duke Pre-College Program provides advanced academic opportunities and an introduction to the college experience to students currently in grades 6-11. Our courses are created to give students access to cutting-edge curriculum and technology beyond the average classroom while connecting them with transcendent peers from around the world and influential professionals in their future field. In addition to accessing university facilities and labs, our students interact and learn from renowned faculty and researchers. Participants gain valuable experiences that prepare them not only for their college curriculum and careers to follow, but also their futures as empowered, influential leaders.


Duke Youth Programs
8 East Campus Union Drive
Durham, NC 27708


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