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Mad Science Super Gross Science! – Saint Louis University

Mad Science Super Gross Science!


Saint Louis University

Date/Time: Jun 2 - 6, 2025     9:00am - 3:00pm
Ages: 5-11
Cost: $270.00

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Miss Manners might not approve, but your child definitely will! Super Gross Science is a week of learning about our gross bodily functions. Burping, boogers, excrement, gas, saliva, germs and how our brain, cells, heart, organs and blood contribute. Daily Description: Cleaning Up Crime Become a forensic scientist and learn the science behind solving a crime! Campers will solve their own CSI mystery and eat homemade ice cream. Fizzy, Gassy Reactions What do stomach acids do? Find out with our popper stoppers and liquid ooze. Discover how a clock can run on soda or water without batteries. Ooey Gooey Insides Investigate the insides of Tall Paul. Make boogers that you can hold. Learn about the digestive process and take home edible excrement. Slimy Chemistry Make a lemon battery, electroplate a penny and conduct electrochemistry with goldenrod paper. Clean up your own germs with soap and “exploding toothpaste” and then get dirty again with slime. Slippery Science of Cells Learn about what makes up a cell and about your inherited traits like your sense of taste. Discover what burps are made of with dry ice. Take home your own edible DNA and kids lab coat.


Brouster Hall
3840 Lindell Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63108


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