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High School Leadership Camp – Camp MoVal Outdoor Ministry

High School Leadership Camp

Sports Nature Special needs student Arts Residential

Camp MoVal Outdoor Ministry

Date/Time: Jun 11 - 16, 2023    
Ages: 13-18
Cost: $549.00
Registration deadline: May 22, 2023

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For campers that have completed 9th grade through 12th grade. At High School Leadership Camp, youth are invited to come with an open mind, and a fun spirit. During the week, counselors and staff will set the stage and hold space for amazing friendships and growth to occur! We seek to create a memorable week filled with laughter, music, reflection, self-exploration, and don't forget the ropes course! It's the perfect environment for teens to play, explore, and grow. Youth will form memories and friendships they'll hold dear for the rest of their lives! This camp is not a counselor training, but is meant to give teenagers opportunities to discover a style of leadership built on reflection, experience, spiritual guidance, and service. Participants will have the opportunity to design and lead activities for Camp MoVal, explore nature and their personal spiritual journey, and learn to become authentic leaders through a journey of personal growth.


Camp MoVal
2659 Camp Mo-Val Road
Union, MO 63084


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